I started reading Eat, Pray, Love... I have not finished yet. One of the comments she makes is about spending time in Italy and how she focused for the first time on what pleased her. She spent every waking hour of every day doing as she pleased.
This caused me pause. I started thinking about how much time I spend working, pleasing others, fulfilling obligations, and doing the every day ordinary things that make up life. What would I do if I could spend 24 hours a day doing what pleases me?
1. I would spend more time getting to know God.
2. I would cook more. And not just the dinner time cooking. The "no one is here and I don't care, but I am going to cook a feast anyway" kind of cooking
3. I would spend 6 months exploring every inch of Italy.
4. I would travel to the Holy Land.
5. I would take one of those $30k cruises around the world
6. I would spend more time with Mr. Dukie Pickles
7. I would paint more ceramics
8. I would help other people
9. I would explore the USA with Nikki in an RV
10. I would take pictures... lots and lots of pictures.
11. I would make more bath fizzies with Allie
12. I would write more poetry, blogs, etc...
13. I'd throw a LOT of parties
14. I'd hang out by the ocean a lot
What would you do?
No one is commenting on my blog. I am getting lonely and am starting to think I am talking to myself.. Please share :)
I would spend lots of time with you making fizzies and experimenting with other fun stuff, as well as cooking and baking up a storm :) Then we could write a book about said experiments!